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Hello! Just wanted to update with a few photos of my final project of the year for my core design class. Actually, it's not this book exactly that was the project. The project we were given was to design a visual solution that would accompany and compliment the NFB philosophy documentary called 'Examined Life'. While not the actual project, the above book was required as hand in material - meant to showcase my project and the process work that got me to the final solution I chose.
Inside this 8.5" x 11" book is the design work for a street wheat-paste interest building/advertising campaign, identity branding, and a website design... All of which work together to complete my design solution to the project brief.
To be honest, I've never really made a book before, and I actually really enjoyed this (even though I was stressing out a little at times!)... It was a real learning experience and definitely helped get me a little more friendly with InDesign, page layout design and binding. Mostly, I tried to keep a consistent look/feel to the book, using design elements (taken from the project designs I did) throughout the pages. To add something a little different, I created a corregated cardboard band that holds the pages flat.
Hope you like it!